Author: mdgiii

Date: July 28, 2020



Hello World
The “Hello, World!” program is widely accepted as the first program to execute when learning a programming language. It was first introduced by Brian Kernighan in his 1972 book, A Tutorial Introduction to the Language B. Today it is used as a starting point when installing, testing, or learning a new programming language. It can also be used to determine how easy a programming language is to learn. Here are two examples of the hello world program:

Example #1: Python:

print("Hello, World!")

Python is known as the beginner language when entering the world of computer programming because its syntax is very simple. The creator, Guido van Rossum, took a more minimalist approach in the creation of this programming language. He fancied a language that was easy to read and didn’t come with a steep learning curve when it came to syntax.

Example #2: Java

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

Java on the other hand is a bit more sophisticated of a language. Originally released in 1995 (5 years after Python), Java is focused around the concept of objects. Because of having so much syntax, Java can easily discourage beginners from learning it as their first programming language.

That is why “Hello, World!” makes a perfect introduction post for my blog.

Starting this blog will be a journey for you (the reader) and I (the writer). The real reason for starting this blog is so that I am a more productive person. I feel that I have wasted the summer of 2020, though partly not my fault due to COVID and many places closing their doors, but still. I would consider myself as a mild introvert. The only reason I love coming in to the out is for my passion in photography. Most of the summer I found myself doing the same thing everyday: Wake up, watch YouTube subscriptions, binge watch some TV show, watch a movie, go to bed. Notice a theme? I was constantly consuming video based content. Until a few weeks ago when I started to read again. That is when I got an idea. I need to be more productive and actually do something.

“But how?” I pondered.

That is where I got the idea for making a blog. I will be creating content, rather than consuming it. Even though I am not the greatest at writing, I would consider my writing skills as decent. This blog will give me something to do instead of being my lazy, introverted self all the time.

My plan for this blog is simple. I would like to write a post at least once a week. Though, sometimes I may write 1-2 times a month. It all depends on if I have an idea in which I want to talk about in textual form. In Addition to blogging, I will be starting a youtube channel. It will have very similar content but I will make sure to keep the content different for each platform. You can find my YouTube channel here:

If you came this far, thank you for reading (if you did)! I hope to make more posts in the near future. Meanwhile, make sure to follow me on your preferred social media platforms and subscribe to me on YouTube to stay up to date with what I post!

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